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Author Storm Faerywolf presents: Faery and the Underworld Journey

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Faery and the Underworld Journey
Folklore tells us of another race of beings that inhabit this world, just beyond the periphery of our perception. Sometimes small, sometimes giant, but always powerful, these inter-dimensional beings hold the key to living in harmony with the land and accessing our own divine potential.
Drawing from folklore and the practices of the Anderson Faery tradition, we will discuss the processes (and traditional prohibitions) of communicating with this level of terrestrial consciousness before engaging in a ritual to journey into the shining realm, to return with messages and gifts to deepen our magical practices.

This workshop is part of a 3 day series : Celebrating the Spirit of Halloween with Mysteries Unveiled! 3 Authors, 3 Nights!

Bio: Storm Faerywolf has studied and been initiated into various streams of practical witchcraft, most notably the Faery tradition, where he holds the Black Wand of a Master. He is the chancellor of Modern Witch University, co-founder of Black Rose Witchcraft, a columnist for The Wild Hunt, host of the Witch Power Daily podcast, and a regular contributor to Horns Magazine. He has given lectures, taught classes, and led rituals across the US and Europe in a career spanning over three decades.
A Master/Teacher in several lineages of Reiki, and a trained folk magician, he is also a published author with Llewellyn Worldwide, having penned several books, including “Betwixt & Between,” “Forbidden Mysteries of Faery Witchcraft,” “The Witch’s Name,” and “The Satyr’s Kiss.”