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Sidewalk Sales

Category: Event Calendar

Dates and Times



It's Sidewalk Sale season throughout Downtown Santa Cruz. The Sidewalk Sales are a great time to score great deals from shops you love and it's the perfect time to reacquaint yourself with your favorite Downtown eats - Don't miss these fun weekends.

March 28-30 (Fri-Sun)
April 25-27 (Fri-Sun)
May 23-26 (Fri-Mon - Memorial Day Weekend)

June 27-29 (Fri-Sun)
July 25-27 (Fri-Sun)
Aug 29 - Sept 1 (Fri-Mon - Labor Day Weekend)
Sept 26-28 (Fri-Sun)
Oct. 24-26 (Fri-Sun)
Nov. 28-30 (Fri-Sun)