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Fill Out Your Trespass Letter Of Authority

Click here to fill out your Trespass Letter of Authority

Make sure your letter on file is current and up-to-date!

Having a Trespass Letter of Authority on file with SCPD allows a police officer to immediately act on your behalf and take enforcement action against a person trespassing on your private property without first contacting you. Without a Letter of Authority on file, SCPD must get ahold of a property owner or their legal agent to sign a trespassing complaint before enforcement action can be taken (even at 2AM.)

Trespass Letter of Authority applications must be NOTARIZED, and re-submitted annually.

Here are some additional steps to help prevent vandalism and trespassers from being on your property:

• Lock dumpster areas

• Trim overgrown trees and bushes

• Install landscaping that discourages loitering on your property

• Install fencing around the perimeter of your property

• Post No Trespassing signs on the property (in windows and doorway)

• Hire private security | security systems monitoring

While the Santa Cruz Police Department will send a yearly letter out for renewals, the property owners and agents are responsible for renewing their trespass letters on file annually and notifying the Santa Cruz Police Department if there are any updates or changes to their authorization letter. Please contact the Santa Cruz Police Records Division @ 831.420.5870 with any updates.

You can fill out the letter by clicking the link below.

Fill Out Your Trespass Letter Of Authority

Click here to fill out your Trespass Letter of Authority