Downtown Resources
Uncle Poop’s Pet Waste Removal – (831) 428-4009
The Downtown Management Corporation has entered into a contract with Shane Klein dba Uncle Poop’s Waste Removal to clean up human and animal waste in the CRM (Central Retail Management) district including private property. Below is a map of that district:

Uncle Poop walks the area in the morning and picks up what he finds. He is also on call to respond to pick-ups at other times of the day and weekends as needed.
His cell phone number is 428-4009, and you can text or leave a message with the location.
Downtown Ambassadors – (831) 430-6311
Downtown Ambassadors make the rounds everyday in Downtown Santa Cruz, to provide a welcoming and friendly presence, offer helpful information, and provide support for businesses.
Business Contact Sheet
Does your business have a copy of the Downtown Santa Cruz Business Contact Sheet? It's handy to keep a couple of copies around.
Downtown Specific Resources
An updated list of downtown-specific resources with additional information for businesses.
City of Santa Cruz Economic Development Department
The Economic Development Office is your go-to resource for all things business in Santa Cruz. Connect with them and they’ll connect with you!
Downtown Dollars
The Downtown Dollars program is a simple gift certificate program that unifies and promotes the Downtown area.
Downtown Management Corporation
The Downtown Management Corporation (DMC) oversees the Cooperative Retail Management District (CRM), covering Pacific Avenue from Water Street to Laurel Street, and the side streets off of Pacific Ave. The Downtown Management Corporation is funded by an assessment of Downtown property owners in this geographic boundary. The Assessment provides funding for the Downtown Ambassador program, as well as uncle poop waste removal and other programs focused on a clean, safe and welcoming Downtown.
Downtown Outreach Workers – (831) 818-0166, (831) 713-7427
The Downtown Outreach Workers are a social worker based program through Encompass that operates in the Downtown area, providing support to at-risk individuals in need of mental health or outreach services.
Santa Cruz Police – Emergency 911, Non- Emergency (831) 471-1131
Reporting crime is one of the best ways of preventing future crime. There is also an online reporting portal. When you take action, it shows the community that you are involved and aware, and are concerned for the well-being of Downtown.
Community Service Officers (CSO's) – (831) 471-1131
The City's CSO's, operated under the police department, patrol the streets daily and provide an extra level of ordinance enforcement in the Downtown Business District. You can contact them for non-emergency situations.
Trespass Letter Of Authority
A Trespass Authorization Letter is an online form that you fill out and provide the Santa Cruz Police Department authorization to cite or arrest a trespassing person on your property. It is authorized by Penal Code Section 602(0).
The letter is good for one year and allows police officers to arrest, remove, or advise any person present on the property without lawful business. This letter can be useful and effective. However, the tool's effectiveness is limited by City staffing and resources and the District Attorney's discretion on whether a criminal charge should be issued. Not every type of property can use this approach.
Facade Improvement Program
The City of Santa Cruz is committed to supporting the development of its commercial areas. Any Downtown business can apply for a grant to spruce up awnings, install safety lighting, or many other services to improve the appearance of their facade.
Graffiti Free Santa Cruz – (831) 420-5303 or Report through CRSP
The mission of Graffiti Free Santa Cruz is to maintain the natural beauty of our city by preventing and removing graffiti in public and private spaces. This can be reported through the Community Request for Service Portal (CRSP)
New Businesses: Grand Openings & Ribbon Cuttings
If you are a new business opening in Downtown Santa Cruz, welcome to the neighborhood! We'd love to support your beginning as you flourish in Downtown.
SBDC – Small Business Development Center of Santa Cruz – (831) 479-6136
The Small Business Development Center is a resource for starting and maintaining a small business in Santa Cruz. They offer a free monthly series of talks at Nextspace called the Second Tuesday Next Talks, which are hour-long workshops designed to support small businesses.